
What makes for good SD training? Lessons from WSDS Evaluations

What makes for good SD training? Lessons from WSDS Evaluations

Warsaw Science Diplomacy School (WSDS), organized by the InsSciDE project, delivered in-depth training in science diplomacy with a historical and strategic framing, for two cohorts in June 2020 and 2021. As a pilot program, InsSciDE also sought to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of WSDS teaching methods and activities, as seen through the eyes of the trainees.
The below excerpts from the WSDS evaluative report are based on daily student surveys during the program, social media posts and verbal feedback in a debrief on the last day of WSDS. The summary portrays the overall reception of the program, highlights its most valued features and provides direct quotes from student feedback.

Curriculum Prototype for Science Diplomacy Training

Based on feedback collected from trainees in Warsaw Science Diplomacy School 2020 and 2021

View the full description here:
Method_What makes for Good Science Diplomacy Training_InsSciDE CTM

CATEGORY: Methodology 

Warsaw Science Diplomacy School (WSDS), organized by the InsSciDE project, delivered in-depth training in science diplomacy with a historical and strategic framing, for two cohorts in June 2020 and 2021. As a pilot program, InsSciDE also sought to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of WSDS teaching methods and activities, as seen through the eyes of the trainees.

The below excerpts from the WSDS evaluative report are based on daily student surveys during the program, social media posts and verbal feedback in a debrief on the last day of WSDS. The summary portrays the overall reception of the program, highlights its most valued features and provides direct quotes from student feedback. For a deeper view, see the full report here.

Overview of session ratings from WSDS 2020 trainees.