
EL-CSID, InSciDE and S4D4C will hold a common session at ‘Science Diplomacy 2018’

EL-CSID, InSciDE and S4D4C will hold a common session at ‘Science Diplomacy 2018’


‘Science Diplomacy 2018’, the fourth AAAS annual conference on science diplomacy, will take place in Washington, D.C. on the 14 September 2018. Among this year’s sessions, the cooperation between local and global entities will take centre-stage with topics such as ‘Strengthening Ties, Strengthening Global Policy Making: Mechanisms in the Americas’ or ‘Think Locally to Impact Globally: Science Diplomacy at the State Level’ on the agenda. Some sessions will focus on a rather natural sciences perspective with topics such as ‘Antimicrobial Resistance: Cooperating to Combat a Tragedy of the Global Commons’ and ‘Building a Trinational Initiative to Save Marine Protected Areas in the Gulf of Mexico through Science Diplomacy’. Another session will also approach the highly political topic of migration: ‘Beyond Borders: Migration, Health, and Diplomacy’.

Representatives of the three EU-funded science diplomacy projects will attend the event and participate in the session ‘A new horizon in EU science diplomacy’. The session’s speakers involve Mr Alexander Degelsegger-Márquez (S4D4C), Mr Pascal Griset (InSciDE) and Mr Luk Van Langenhove (EL-CSID). Ms Marga Gual Soler (AAAS) will moderate the discussion. The session will provide an overview of the current social sciences and humanities research on European science diplomacy, particularly its transnational dimensions, and will give insights into the history of national and EU-level approaches to science diplomacy. It will also relate national approaches to ongoing policy development and institution building at the EU-level, as well as touch upon the role of various institutions, mechanisms, and governance arrangements.

Additional information and the complete agenda of the event is available here.